Make Your Weight Loss Goals a Reality

Make Your Weight Loss Goals a Reality

Losing weight is a highly personal journey as a wide range of factors can affect a person’s ability to do so. There’s no one approach to weight loss; rather, the best approach is the one that fits your life and body best. Get motivated to reach your weight loss goals...
Health Care Solutions for Rural Americans

Health Care Solutions for Rural Americans

Health Care Solutions for Rural Americans (Family Features) Heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, chronic lower respiratory disease and stroke. These top five causes of death in the United States all have a higher incidence of death among rural residents and...
Losing Weight After 60

Losing Weight After 60

There are some other things you need to do if you’re over 60 and want to lose weight. 1- We lose muscle mass as you age. You can use weight machines at a gym, lighter weights you hold in your hands, or your own body weight for resistance like in yoga or Pilates....